Many children are a lot of luck. Are you sure the proverb is today?
Expensive school fees and necessities of life to make young couples think twice if you want to have many children. Family Planning Program (Family Planning) urged that the 2 children enough. But, if you think 2 people are still too many, have a single child could be a good plan.

Founder of the Family Resource Counseling Center, which is also an only child, Dr. Lexi Welanetz, Psy.D, giving a view of an only child and how to raise them:
1. Families become solid
Many benefits can be obtained if it has a single child. One of them, the condition becomes more orderly household. The less members of the family, the easier to manage. Solid relationships are also more easily felt between family members.
2. Keep your balance
Only child tends to be more independent because they used to accomplish something without help. Therefore, they grow into a confident person. So, as a parent, you should make them understand that they are not the center of the world.
3. Social interaction
Encourage your child to an activity where she can meet many people. Outbound activities and visit the theme park could be an example. The goal, so they are familiar with social interaction. Learning to recognize and build relationships with others, compete, and cooperate in a group are other positive benefits.
4. Always sharing
Children may be unfamiliar to share with a friend, because at home there are no relatives who are invited to share. So should you give a sense that sharing the good deeds and can make other people happy.
5. Homeschooling? No!
Dr. Lexi says that homeschooling is something that must be avoided for a single child. Homeschooling does not support child development in social interaction. These conditions limit the child to communicate with many people.
6. Spoiled child
Do not get used to always give her what she asked directly because it can make them spoiled. Give the sense that they must do something first, then you will give what he wanted as a reward. Priority is also mandatory for the child you teach him to understand the financial condition of households.
So, do not hesitate to have a single child.
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